The FirstLight Community Spirit Fund

An important message from FirstLight CEO, Fionnuala Sheehan appealing for support to ensure the consistency of FirstLight’s services.

Dear families, friends and supporters of FirstLight, 

Today I urgently need to ask for your help. 

The COVID-19 epidemic is affecting families across Ireland and those affected by the sudden death of a child will need our professional support more than ever.

In these uncertain times, the professional services FirstLight provides are vital to ensuring that suddenly bereaved families across Ireland remain supported in a safe, confidential and compassionate way. And as people correctly follow HSE advice and self-isolate, suddenly bereaved families will feel the physical and social isolation acutely. Therefore, FirstLight is determined to do everything possible to be their beacon of comfort and support... their FirstLight, in these unprecedented times.

FirstLight is not immune to the effects of this epidemic. We are doing everything we possibly can to ensure that FirstLight can continue to function comprehensively, but we just can’t do this without your help.

Less than half of the funding required to provide FirstLight’s professional support services comes from the State. FirstLight, therefore, relies substantially on voluntary fundraising support. We are already seeing the financial impact of the COVID-19 virus with fundraising events being cancelled – putting more than half of the income we rely on in jeopardy. 

As Chief Executive, I must ensure that FirstLight can continue to give all vulnerable families who need it, the vital professional support they require.

Many of you have already given so much. I hesitate to ask again. But, perhaps, there are others you can bring this message to who may be in a position to give to the FirstLight Community Spirit Fund, to ensure we can continue our essential work. 

We have been here for each other through the darkest of times, and I feel sure that with your help we will continue to be here for each other into the future.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

Fionnuala Sheehan

Chief Executive, FirstLight

  • Dated: Mar 23