Critical Incident
Stress Management (CISM)
Debriefing Service
As a member of the Critical Incident Stress Management Network of Ireland, a number of FirstLight’s therapists have additional training in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM).
A CISM Debriefing service is available in the aftermath of a critical incident involving the sudden death of a child or children, within a school, crèche, or club, or for any blue light organisation involved in the incident that requires an autonomous outsourced intervention.
FirstLight will make available onsite CISM-certified psychotherapists to provide:
- Individual crisis intervention
- Onsite triage
- Defusing services
- Crisis management briefings
- Debriefing services, and
- Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) services.
For further information about FirstLight’s CISM Debriefing service and costs, please contact FirstLight’s Head Office on 01-8732711 or email [email protected]
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