FirstLight Expanding Counsellors Register

Demand for FirstLight’s services in 2021 was the highest since the organisation was established 45 years ago, with 207 families supported nationwide. We are predicting a similar, if not higher, number in 2022.

For this reason, we are looking to expand the number of psychotherapists on the FirstLight Counsellors Register across the following counties:  

MonaghanNorth Dublin

All Psychotherapists on the Counsellors Register must be professionally accredited, fully insured, and Garda vetted before commencing counselling for our service.

To join the FirstLight Counsellor’s Register, please email [email protected] OR phone 01-8732711.

About FirstLight:

FirstLight is a registered charity that offers free professional support and provides information to families in Ireland that have experienced the sudden, unexpected death of their child if aged from 0 to 18 years.

FirstLight is a trauma-informed organisation offering a National 24-hour Helpline service, Crisis Intervention and a Psychotherapy service. Our services are provided nationwide by our team of professionally accredited, fully insured, and Garda vetted psychotherapists and counsellors. Our team members are professionally trained to provide support to clients experiencing trauma associated with the sudden death of their child. All of our services to families are free of charge and confidential.

To join the FirstLight Counsellor’s Register, please email [email protected] OR phone 01-8732711.

  • Dated: May 11


National Helpline: 1800 391 391

Head office: +353 (0) 1 873 2711